Irfanview Graphic Viewer Guide

Download iview425_setup.exe [1.3MB] irfanview_plugins_425_setup.exe [7.7MB]
released June 16, 2009 official homepage

Graphic image viewer, slideshow, batch conversion of image formats and resizing, quick html thumbnail generator

Open an image in a directory of images then hit T to view thumbnails.

Image Formats | Resize Image | File Associations
Crop and Red-eye removal | Slideshow | Batch Resize

Image format to save in. Common ones are PNG, JPG, GIF.

 compression level 9 seems to look great while maximizing file size. Notice this screenshot above is PNG and only 6KB.

 usually anywhere from 75% to 85% compression looks great. Any photo should be JPG

 works great when saving clipart or when making GIF animations. Only 256 colors max.

Resize Image

Image | Resize/Resample or CTRL-R.
Choose your desired resolution. Many don’t have photos larger than 800 x 600 for viewing on the web to save space. Once resized save it either in
– a new location with the same or different name
– same location with a different name
– or overwriting your original existing file if you no longer need it.

File Associations

So many applications ‘steal’ file associations nowadays that I constantly have to go to Options | Set File Associations then click Images only so all images are reassociated so my images will open up with Irfanview when double-clicked on.
Crop and Red-eye removal

Crop by clicking the mouse and dragging the selection area. Edit | Crop Selection or CTRL-Y. You see the crop result two photos down.

To remove red-eye highlight the portion of the entire eyeball then choose Image | Red eye reduction.

Here’s the photo above cropped and also red eye removed.

Here’s another photo without red eye so you can compare an original
without and one that has been retouched by removing the red eye.


In Irfanview choose File | Slideshow or hit W.
Browse to a directory of images or photos.
Click Add all and change 5.0 seconds to 3.0 if you wish it to change quicker.

Batch Resize

File | Batch Conversion/Rename
Browse to the directory and Add all. Click Use this directory as output
Choose JPG for Output format:
check Use advanced options

Click Advanced options which will bring up this dialog.
Click RESIZE and Set new size: to 800 x 600.
Make sure Preserve aspect ratio and Use Resample function are both checked.
Since we are outputting to the same directory as input make sure to check
Create subdirectories in destination folder so it won’t overwrite the originals.

When ready press Start and it’ll go through and batch resize all your images

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