
Pinnacle Instant Copy 7.0 GUIDE — DVD-9 to DVD-5
Make true 1:1 copies of your DVDs including menus, trailers, extras, bonus features.
Burn a 9 GB, dual layer DVD video onto a standard DVD-R 4.7 GB recordable disc.

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USA MSRP $49.99 and Europe/UK Official Product Page of Pinnacle InstantCopy

Instant Copy 7.1.1 update official link

Instant Copy update InstantCopyUpdate8.3.0.8.exe [16MB]

Version :
Date Inserted : 10/20/2004
Extension : MSP
Size : 4.7 MB
Description CHANGES
Main Changes
– Double Layer Support for Instant Copy
– fixed: Audio CD copy hangs on some Writer
– fixes in Japanese language
– minor bugfixes

— Registry Editors and Shells (automate rip, encode, burn) —
InstantCopy Hidden Settings Editor 1.4.3 (Feb 1, 2004) by The Mad Guy IC7 & IC8 compatible.

You can donate to The Mad Guy by using paypal to show your appreciate for ICHSE.

It can do many things besides just modifying registry settings.

See screenshots below
BatchControl | Main1 | Main2 | OneClickSolution | Options | PDIControl | PredictionCalc
German Help File by Pivello (May 20) screenshot changes the registry settings for Instant Copy 7. by Pivello (Dec 15) screenshot changes the registry settings for Instant Copy 8 version 2 by MPauley (August 25) screenshot automates the process of ripping, executing Instant Copy, and burning. Requires DVDDecrypter, Daemon-Tools, PDIExtract (from PDITOOL)

One Click Instant Copy by nyplayer (July 3) screenshot The program will read your DVD Rip it using DVD Decrypter. Pass the output to InstantCopy including the DVD Label. It will then Encode with InstantCopy burn with InstantCopy or DVD Decrypter. It will also determine if the DVD can fit on 1 DVDR if it does then it will just create an ISO and Burn with DVD Decrypter.

Free Software you may need:
Daemon Tools mounts ripped .iso as a virtual dvd-rom ( needed if ripping/burning in ISO mode) mirror

DVDDecrypter Rips dvd to hd and alternatively burn .iso to dvd burner. Donate to LIGHTNING UK!

DVDDecrypter mirror can burn .pdi file set. Simply awesome.

Open DVDecrypter | Tools | Settings | Registry | check PDI
Just double click on .pdi file and burn the dvd-r. free mirror converts .pdi (Pinnacle Disc Image) to .iso. screenshot Simple GUI program written by Gerd

Mitländer [MrWGT]. With converted .iso you can mount it with daemon tools and view with PowerDVD or burn with

DVDDecrypter. In my tests pdi2iso takes 4 mins and PDITool takes 22mins.

Fast PDI2ISO [July 16] by MaxMax converts .pdi file sets to .iso files screenshot

ICShutdown [July 16] by MaxMax probes Instant Copy job status and when it sees that it’s done it’ll

shutdown your computer screenshot

PDITOOL 0.7 free mirror convert .pdi file sets to .iso files and extract all or only selected files from a .pdi file set which enable you to burn/author DVD with software of your choice and edit .ifo with ifoedit, etc. Written by schlaufer and GUI by WPELLE screenshot
If you get ‘component comdlg32.ocx not registered error’ install Visual Basic 6.0 Runtime Libraries

Click upper left corner on two cd icon and choose About.
Setup: 0031 Jan 15, 2003 — on CD says: VERSION 7.0
Setup: 0039 Feb 05, 2003 — on CD says: VERSION 7.0a
Setup: 0044 Mar 10,2003 –update1
Setup: 0046 Mar 25,2003 –update2 (cumulative)
Setup: 0053 May 15,2003 –update3 (cumulative)

First rip the DVD to hd in either file mode (all files) or .iso mode with DVDDecrypter.

Before you even use Instant Copy you should try stripping it. For those doing main movie only to strip it first with either DVDFAB or DVDShrink as it’ll be more compatible with some dvd players out there. If you want a 1:1 copy then DO NOT uncheck extras in Instant Copy but rather reduce them as much as you can. Instant Copy is good for multi-episode DVDs. Long movies I like to use dvd2dvd-r with CCE.

Start Instant Copy, select Generic STEALTH DVD as your Source if you ripped in .iso mode or right-click onHard Disk | Select Image | and locate the VIDEO_TS.IFO file.
Choose either your DVD-burner or Harddisk for the Destination. Right click on Harddisk under Destination and create a new folder and name your movie. I suggest using underscore _ to separate words. To be able to preview end result before burning choose harddisk.

[Read TAB]…uncheck Repair Subchannel Data (.iso)

Copy method: Customized Resize works with registry trick to allow you to specify transcoded size of each title set and allows you to deselect unwanted Video Title Sets. Remove trailers, bonus features you don’t want.
Uncheck Use online transcoding database. Similar to
where one user types in audio track titles for a new audio cd and submits them
so next person can automatically retrieve them, thus saving them time. Online
transcoding database keeps track of a DVD that has gone through 5 phases of
Testing video quality. If checked it could potentially crash the transcoding process
because evidently they’re not bit for bit identical each time for various reasons.
C:\Program Files\InstantCD+DVD\InstantCopy\discdata
Delete discdata.add and discdata.adi if you experience crashes.

Audio Streams CHECK the audio languages that you wish to REMOVE.
If you only want English and Spanish put a check by everything except those two.

Subtitles CHECK the subtitle languages that you wish to REMOVE.

User Prohibitions CHECK the User Prohibitions you wish to REMOVE. If you wish to remove all restrictions (prevents you from skipping, navigating DVD) check ALL of them. If ripped with DVDDecrypter it’ll remove them all by default anyway.

[General TAB] | Options | Settings
Verify your temporary directory has at least 4.5GB of free space available.

Note: Write TAB will only show if you select DVD burner as your destination.

Now press START and in a few seconds the Customize disc menu will appear.

After applying the registry trick (setting DVDMagic to true/yes) you can deselect extras, bonus features, trailers, etc. you don’t wish to keep by unchecking the Video Title Sets (VTS). 5.72GB is the size of the just the video and (6.38GB) is the original size of the main movie with audio. I don’t recommend unchecking titles anymore.Strip them with dvdtoolbox or dvdshrink. Try dvdshrink and set crap extras to Still Movie if your trying to do a 1:1 copy instead of Main Movie Only copy.

If you wish to OVERSIZE (when green turns to red) just press F5 (thanks jaimeo)
to re enable the OK button so you can push it and select 4.37GB or DVD-R size 4.7GB for example. Set DVDAlwaysEnableOK to true if you don’t want to hit F5. See Hidden Settings Editor.

Many try a 4.5GB oversize setting to see if the target size will come out close to 4.37GB. Sometimes this works, othertimes it still undersize by a large margin and even sometimes it’ll oversize.. File size with Instant Copy is hit and miss. Hopefully this issue will be addressed in a future update.

Here’s the AC3 5.1 English soundtrack. You stripped out the other audio tracks with dvdtoolbox or dvdshrink already.

Always keep all subs unless you have say more than 6 or so. They only take about 2MB to 4MB per subtitle language which is nothing on a 4.37GB DVD-R. IYyou’ll miss foreign speaking even though it’s only certain parts of the movie if you take out subtitles sometimes. Example LOTR (Elfish speaking parts), Sum of All Fears (Russian speaking parts).

Let the encoding begin, hit Start. First 10 – 20 mins or so it does 5 passes/phases quickly analyzing the whole video quality. If you do not see it doing 5 phases immediately after you hit start, you may encounter a crash.

Actually encoding begins which can take around 3 to 5 hours on slow computers.
On my P4 2.53Ghz it’ll usually take 1 to 2 hours to transcode. Depends on movie length.
DVDHideConversionPicture set to true/yes will speed up the process a bit. See Hidden Settings Editor.

Once it’s done transcoding you’ll have a few .pdi files.
movie.pdi | movie.pdi01| movie.pdi02 | movie.pdi03 | movie.pdi04

Check transcoded video quality
The .pdi files can be burned directly to DVD-R with Instant Copy or you can quickly view them (everyone except the very first proprietary .pdi which contains 304 bytes at the beginning) by renaming them by appending .vob at the end of the filename and view that in PowerDVD. (e.g. rename movie.pdi01 to movie.pdi01.vob)

pdi2iso v0.11 Select PDI file and let it convert it to an .iso file. I got a 4GB file which I mounted in daemon tools then play DVD movie with PowerDVD to test out quality, menus, subtitles, and audio languages, navigation, etc.

Now you can burn it with DVDDecrypter. Either burn .pdi directly or use pdi2iso and convert to .iso and burn the .iso.

Mounting .pdi set with daemon tools to view output
–Open dvddecrypter goto….TOOLS/Create DVD MDS File
— Click on “ADD”
— Then click on the .pdi file for the movie you wish to create a MDS file for.
— “OK” it.
— When the next screen pops up just hit “SAVE”.
— Just “OK” it
— And its done in a second and can be mounted with daemon tools.
(thanks to Mukesh for the info)

Advanced users only

Advanced Registry Settings with InstantCopy 7 patch


Advanced registry settings:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VOB\CD Wizard\7.0\Copy

DWORD “DVDAnalyzeMaxRel”
Defines video size that gets analyzed in percent (Default: 7%)

DWORD “DVDAnalyzeMinAbs”
Minimum video that is analyzed (Value * 2,5 MB)

DWORD “DVDSaveQuality”
Defines the place reserved for not predicted video size in percent (Default: 6%)

STRING “DVDHideConversionPicture”
“True” Hides preview picture while converting and analyzing a DVD (Default: “False”)

STRING “DVDAlwaysEnableOkButton”
“True” Always enable OK button in “Customize Disc” dialog even if the predicted size is over 4,32

STRING “DVDRemoveLayerBreak”
“False” to disable removal of layer break

DWORD: DVDDestSize Default: 4424
Size InstantCopy tries to reach for the destination medium in MB

DWORD: DVDDestDisplaySize Default: 4424
Size InstantCopy uses to determine if the contents of the disc
fit or wont fit on a recordable disc in MB

DWORD: DVDVideoSaveBorder Default: 2
Unsecurity in percent of the transcoding process

DWORD: DVDAnalyzeMaxRel Default: 7
Maximum data of a cell set that gets analyzed in %

DWORD: DVDAnalyzeMinAbs Default: 16
Minimum count of 2,5 MB data packets of a cell set that get analyzed

InstantCopy Batch Processing

InstantCopy has basic support for batch processing.
The following command line options from the MultiCopy.exe file are available:

Select hard disk as source device and select the specified filename
Select hard disk as destination device and select the specified filename
Start the copy process directly after the executable was started.
Load custom settings previously saved with F6 in the customize disc dialog.

You must set the DVD resize mode to automatic in order to prevent showing of
the customize disc dialog.

Download [256KB] to your hard disk and unzip the file to the same directory as InstantCopy.exe. Simply specify the source image and destination image. Fill the list and hit start. The program will minimize and starts an instance of InstantCopy for every image listed.

Changelog 7.1.1 update:


  • This patch can only be used with Instant Copy 7.0, 7.01 or 7.02.
  • Do not use this patch to update Instant CD/DVD.

Bug Fixes/Improvements:

  • Better usage of destination disk capacity
  • Optimized video quality
  • Overall speed improvements
  • “Phantom cell sets” fixed
  • Still picture problem fixed (occured in menus with sound)
  • Demux errors fixed (aka SID error)

What is new in this version 7.1.1:

  • The main improvements are a significant speed increase for the DVD transcoding (approx. 30%-50% faster) and a new analyze method for better target disk size usage.
  • Various registry settings were added.
  • Key combinations (no support available for this function)
    o F5 : Enable the OK button ignoring all size issues
    o F6 : Saves the currently selected percentages/titles/streams for this DVD
    o F7 : Load (if previously saved) settings for this DVD
  • Batch Processing functionnality.

Credit goes to mb1 for his excellent German guide here is Google English Translated

MisterX InstantCopy7 guide using ifoedit, filesize prediction, etc.

See also clear and concise guide by Baldrick

Learn more about transcoding algorithms.

Capacities of DVD dvddemystified FAQ DVD-5 4.37GB | DVD-9 7.95GB | DVD-R 4.7GB

People in forums: dvd2one & instant copy and DVD to DVDR

Official InstantCopy forum For more information on download process visit

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