How to Setup Dual Whatsapp Account on FMWhatsapp?

Dual Whatsapp Account is the latest feature of FMWhatsApp. It allows you to use two WhatsApp accounts on one phone. This feature was added in the beta version of FMWhatsApp for Android and it is now available for all users.

If you have multiple WhatsApp accounts, then you can easily switch between them using this feature. You can also add or delete WhatsApp accounts from this feature.

To enable this feature, go to Settings -> Dual Whatsapp Account and toggle it on. You will see a list of all your registered WhatsApp accounts that are available on your phone.

You can also choose which account should be set as default by tapping on it and selecting Set Default Account option.

How to Setup Dual Whatsapp Account on FMWhatsapp?

To setup dual Whatsapp account on FMWhatsapp, you will have to follow the following steps:

Step 1: Download and install FMWhatsapp from here.

Step 2: Open the app after installation and tap on “Sign In”.

Step 3: Enter your number and password to sign in. If you have not registered for an account, then click “Register” button. You can also sign up using your Facebook or Google Account.

Step 4: After signing in, tap on “Me” icon from the top navigation bar to see your profile page with options like Profile Picture, Status Update and Profile information section. You can update these details whenever necessary by tapping on their respective fields.

Step 5: From here go back to the main screen of the application and select “Messages” option from left side panel menu under “Apps & Contacts” tab which is located just above “Call” icon at bottom right corner of screen as shown below in screenshot image (1). This will open up all conversations with friends in separate tabs including one which shows all messages sent

How to use dual Whatsapp account on FMWhatsapp?

FMWhatsapp is a new version of the famous WhatsApp Messenger. It is one of the best alternatives for WhatsApp and has lots of features which are not available in official WhatsApp app. You can easily download this app from Google Play Store or App Store and use it just like any other messaging application. This article will tell you how to use dual Whatsapp account on FM Whatsapp.

Are you looking for an alternative to WhatsApp? If yes, then you have come to the right place. In this article, we will tell you how to use dual-Whatsapp account on FMWhatsapp so that you can enjoy all the features without any hassle. But before we get into details about using dual Whatsapp accounts on “FMwhatsapp”, let’s first know what exactly this app is and what features it offers users!

How Can I use the same phone number for both WhatsApp accounts?

If you need to use two WhatsApp accounts, there are a few ways to do it. You can either create a second account and share the same phone number with both accounts, or you can use an app like FMWhatsapp. Dual Whatsapp can be installed in Android app that allows you to run two instances of WhatsApp on the same device with different phone numbers.

The steps for using this method are as follows:

1) Download and install FMWhatsapp from Google Play.

2) Open the app and follow its instructions to enable Dual Mode by tapping on “Enable Dual Mode” in Settings. You will then see two WhatsApp icons in your app drawer, one for each account you wish to run simultaneously on your device.

3) In order for this method to work properly, each account must have its own unique phone number associated with it (i.e., one number cannot be shared between two accounts).

Is it safe to use dual Whatsapp account on FMwhatsapp?

Yes, it is safe to use dual WhatsApp account’s on FMwhatsapp. It is possible to use two accounts on the same phone without any issues. However, there are some limitations that you need to take note of before proceeding with this process.

The first limitation is that you cannot send messages from one account to another account in the same phone. For example, if you have two Whatsapp accounts installed on your phone and want to send a message from one account to another, this will not be possible unless you uninstall both apps from your device and reinstall them again after switching between accounts.

Another limitation is that you cannot receive messages from one account when using another account on the same phone. For example, if you want to receive messages from your main account while using another backup account, this will not be possible unless you uninstall both apps from your device and reinstall them again after switching between accounts.

What are the benefits of using dual whatsapp account?

If you are using dual Whatsapp account then you are a smart user. There are many benefits of using two WhatsApp accounts, some of them are:

  1. You can have separate chats with different people without having to switch between accounts.
  2. You can keep your personal chats away from business chats, so you don’t have to worry about any embarrassing messages showing up in front of clients or colleagues.
  3. It helps in keeping your professional life separate from your personal life and vice versa.
  4. You can use one as a secondary device which is not connected to your main phone number, allowing you to stay connected with family members even when you are on business trips or vacations without giving out your phone number or email address!
  5. You can use one as an alternate method of communication while traveling abroad (or any other country), where it might not be possible for everyone in the group chat to access Facebook Messenger due to internet limitations or security reasons!

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